From the desk of Mama Piggy:
A short clip of Twinkle and friends at Phyllis' cattery, thanks to Vegancat.
Background meowing provided by a newbie kitty who was crying out for its mommy :~(
Just Because we’re bff
3 days ago
The two-month old tabby boy is being fostered by my sister. The playful rascal has adapted to the multi-cat environment very well, and is especially close to Brownie Tortie. He was found by my brother at the void deck.
I know it wasn't really my business, but I couldn't help but feel for my good friend and her younger brother, who was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia at the prime of his life. He started an intensive seven-day course of chemotherapy today. I cannot imagine what it is like to have a cocktail of powerful drugs injected into your body day after day, feeling the drugs nibbling away at the misbehaving leukaemia cells and the good ones as well.