Thursday, December 08, 2005

Belly nice!

Look at the six-pack on me ... What? You can't see 'em?

Oh well, I guess the fur gets in the way sometimes ...

Cat quote of the day:

A cat sleeping on your bed is a far more pleasant companion than a ninety-pound Labrador with bad breath. Furthermore, cats do not snore or break wind.
- H. Monger Burdock


Anonymous said...

If you note how the body is much wider at the rump than at the shoulder you will realise how much he's been putting on from all that Hill Science that he chomps and guzzles!

Looks more like six stomachs than six pack.... and no fat jokes about papa porky pls...

Howabout I share some of my Tummy Trim with him? Its either that or we take him for a walk... tied to the car :)

Anonymous said...

stop poking fun at me, Papa Porky, you are a nice piece of Blubber yourself.

Whitney said...

loooks very comfortable!!