... for the little kitten who lost its life under such terrible circumstances.
We pray for the perpetrator to be brought to justice soon.
We pray that our fellow brothers and sisters out there are safe from harm.
And we pray for love for all creatures big and small -- for without love, life is nothing.
Cat quote of the day:
Of all animals, he alone attains to the Contemplative Life.
- Andrew Lang
*A kiss for little Muffin*
he really looks liek he is praying. :)
but i agree with him. i too pray that one day all the poor stray cats in singapore will be able to live out their lives peacefully with the tolerance, if nothg else, of their human neighbours.
Saintly Muffin....
You know what I really hope for?
I hope that this abuser's hands will be crushed by machinery so bad that he will never to abuse another animal again.
I hope the "karmic" result of the abuser's action is so heavy..that he spends all of his future lives taking care of cats...trapping cats for sterilization, getting hands bitten and scratched, feeding cats from dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn, being in leadership position of humane societies and getting frustrating dealing with the most difficult town councils, etc etc etc
what i hope for really is that the abuser comes back in his next life as a rat. or a cockroach. or even a bird. so that cats - both community and home - could hunt [amen] him down and then tearing the insides... right that's quite enough.
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