From the desk of Mama Piggy:“You look miserable!”, quipped my gynae as she visited me in the ward the morning after.
I like her, this straight-talking, no-nonsense doctor. Ribbing me for not looking like a million dollars 12 hours after stitching me up!
“Nausea,” I whimpered. Cold sweat glistened on my forehead.
Seeing that my IV needle had been taken out (it was bothering me somewhat with intermittent pain), the doc ordered for a “suppository”. A WHAT?!?
Before I knew it, the nurse came to me with a big white capsule and ordered me to turn over.
“What THE …?!?!?”
Yes, she shoved it up where the sun doesn’t shine.
Some 10 minutes later, I barfed and felt better.
But the effect didn’t last very long.
In fact, I was hit by waves of nausea and giddiness every hour.
* * * * *
Given a choice, I think I would gladly choose pain over nausea.
I had felt fine when I was wheeled out of the OT the night before. The anaesthesia was beginning to wear off, and I could feel some pain in my lower abdomen.
But it got progressively worse that I had to ask for a shot.
Being allergic to a certain family of painkillers, I was given morphine. And while it did zap the pain, it made me woozy.
I was given a jab for nausea at 1 am. But by 2 am, I was in an awful and clammy state. I buzzed the nurse for another jab.
“No, cannot! That one is only once in every 6 hours! I’ll prop you up, try and take deep breaths, you will feel better,” the staff nurse clucked. Great. INHALE. EXHALE.
For the rest of the morning, I broke out in cold sweat at the top of every hour. Deep breaths!
* * * * *

The kitties love the fruit baskets that Mama Piggy received.
A strange side effect of the operation was shoulder pain. Must ask the Doc why when I go back to remove the stitches.
When I got home on Tuesday afternoon, I basically shuffled around the house like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. The kitties stared at me, wide-eyed -_-By late evening, I was less groggy, and could sit with the cats. Save for frisky Milo, I swear that Kootoo and Muffin could sense that I was unwell (maybe I appear like a maimed animal to them) and were extra sweet to me. Not ingrates afterall :)