Muffin bullied Kootoo out of his favourite snoozing spot and usurped the throne ...

Poor Kootoo gives in to Muffy and had to nap on the cold, hard marble floor.

The winner takes it all, with a smirk on his face.

Cat quote of the day:
Let us be honest: most of us rather like our cats to have a streak of wickedness. I should not feel quite easy in the company of any cat that walked around the house with a saintly expression.
- Beverly Nichols
Aiyah this Muffin, so naughty
Oh..Muffin is so "damn" photogenic!!
heh, Muffin is what I would call "pattern liao liao", he has all sorts of funny/weird/quirky poses ... more pixs to come!
Kootoo is one generous cat, isn't he? The big brother who gives in to the younger sibling.
yep, but sometimes we wish Kootoo could be more assertive and give Muffin a big smack which he sometimes deserve, eg., when Muffin nudges Kootoo away from his food bowl or when he attacks Kootoo during his toilet ...
Hmm...Muffin is Garfield and Kootoo is Odie?
sorry mama P, can't help it but larf about kootoo not able to do his biz in the litterbox :D i think you mentioned same before on one of your entries.
that's a bit too much from Muffin. to think that i rooted for the little guy :(
vegancat> erm, Muffin is not quite Garfield yet, but we do dread the day when he graduates to shoving Kootoo off the table.
the letter b> yup, I have to play referee even in the toilet :(
I think this photo of Muffin with the smirk on his face is almost a sure winner. Why don't you send to the pet section in Sunday Times. We need to promote local cats.
well i am actually hoping to capture a pix of Kootoo and Muffin together, but unfortunately most of the pixs of them together are I-am-going-to-bite-the-living-hell-out-of-you kind ... However, I shall be patient and wait for the perfect Kodak moment!
- Mama Piggy
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