Author: Helen Exley
Retail: $11.90, at gift stores island wide
Reviewer: Kootoo Monster
A must-read for any self-respecting cat "owner" *snigger*, this wonderful collection of 191 quirky and thought-provoking quotations about cats serves to dispel any doubt/misgiving/quandry you may have in your relationship with cats.
It provides the answer and more to cryptical questions such as "Why a cat?".
An example of an enlightening quote: "Being adopted by a stray cat is a sign that you are a kind, generous, warm-hearted sucker. ~Giovanni Andretti"
Here's another: "You can tell a dog to do something. You can put it to a cat as a reasonable propositon. ~ Michael Steven"
Dubbed the "Chicken Soup for the wretched cat slave's soul", the book helps you get in touch with your inner minion as you begin to realise and appreciate the sense of purpose and meaning your cat has bestowed on you.Get your copy now, and your cat will be eternally grateful to you and stop chewing your shoelaces/pissing in your house plant.
I shall leave you with my favorite quote from the book:"There is a weary expression on your cat's face when she brings you home a mouse. It needs no words: 'Is this idiot woman never going to catch her own?' ~ Pam Brown"