Tuesday, June 24, 2008


From the desk of Mama Piggy:

Lovely toesicles! Look yummy enought to eat, no?

Oooh, the owner of the toesicles is not too happy that I disturbed his beauty sleep and is giving me one of his looks!

Be afraid, be very afraid!


calsifer said...

*tremble* eh, can't help but say: muffy toesicle colour combo so neapolitan!

Kootoo | Muffin | Milo | Mama said...

Hahahaha :D The next time you drop by, we challenge you to lick the toesicles!

calsifer said...

Sank you, but I will have my popsicle fill before entering. :D

cat_aunty said...

Neapolitan....yumz......they don't make that flavour anymore.....! Maybe Muffinz's toesicles have extra caramel toppings one.....nom nom nom.......

Muffinz has bedroom eyes in the masthead picture....very sexy!

Is he small in size?