Monday, June 23, 2008

Gotcha Milo!

From the desk of Mama Piggy:

Woot, thanks to Cat Aunty for the reminder, it's been two years since Milo joined the Pigs!


calsifer said...

Hurrah, Milo! Now all you got to do is concentrate on bulking past Kootoo. =D

PS Mama Piggy, taking time out to serve the kmm blog readers?

Kootoo | Muffin | Milo | Mama said...

Much as we would like Milo (and Muffy) to bulk up like Kootoo, the two Ms are just not getting any bigger :( They seemed to have stop growing after their first year.

Yes yes Calsifer, rub it in. KMM blog readers deserve more, no?? I even changed the masthead for good measure! ;P

calsifer said...

Maybe they just need some protein shakes? Philly went into a growth spurt at the grand old age of 3 years when we brought him home, and de-strayed him. Same with our late sweet Kheilly. Averagely, we guestimated they each packed on 2 kees++ and prolly 2-3 inches (length hor, girth... din measure, heh) over about 6 months. So there may yet be girth in the M2M.

Going the masthead appeasement route eh? Granted, beebee Muffy looks super adorable lah.