My name is Kootoo. My stupid owners - Papa Porky and Mama Piggy - named me after an Irish cat owned by Porky's friends. Kootoo is such a stupid name! What the &%*#! I mean, the Irish donch know what is "kootoo", but here in Singapore, everyone knows it sounds like "kutu", the Malay word for lice!! My mama named me Kootoo cos she finds me very "sticky", clinging on to her like a lice when I first saw her at SPCA. Okay, fine ... but do you know what it feels like to be called a "head lice", woman?!?!?!? Worse than being called a Fatso. Speaking of which, you probably can see from the pix that my belly is threatening to spilleth over, thanks to Hill's Science Diet for kittens. Yes I am still a kitten, you ignoramus. I will be one year old on 27 January 06, and that would make me an adult!!
Despite being the youngest member of the family, I am the Monster of the House, and even Papa Porky can't touch me sometimes, ha!! Will show you more of my "growing up" pictures later!! Ciao! Or should I say "Miao"!

Cat quote of the day:
Even overweight cats instinctively know the cardinal rule: when fat, arrange yourself in slim poses.
- John Weitz